South Sea pearls direct from our farms.

Our approach to Environmental Sustainability

  • Our environmental sustainability vision:

    Striving to protect & enhance the environments we work in for future generations.

  • High quality pearls require pristine oceans with healthy, robust ecosystems. This means that at Atlas Pearls protecting the environment is not a promotional strategy, it’s a business imperative. Part of our commitment to high environmental standards is to identify and report our impact on the environment. Through this process, we hope to identify areas where we can avoid or minimise any negative impacts by either changing our operational processes or implementing policies to better manage our impact on the environment.

Our environmental sustainability goals.

Protect, rehabilitate and conserve all aspects of the environments we operate within.

Implement innovative ideas and technology to continually improve the way we operate our business to reduce our environmental impact.

Create awareness, transperancy and education about the materials we consume across our value chain.

Delivering on our goals


Projects and programs designed to re-build something that is depleted and risks environmental imbalance.

Projects, programs, and donations designed to protect plants, animals, and environments on land and below the water that are at risk.

Waste Management

Projects, programs, and infrastructure to educate, encourage and facilitate recycling within the workplace and the community.

Reduce & Re-use
Projects and programs to inform, education and provide appropriate resources to reduce and or re-purpose materials that can no longer be used within the business.

Projects and programs to educate about the impact rubbish has on the environment and to facilitate cleaning up the environments.

Energy Efficiencies

Process Improvements
Intentional and planned changes to the way we operate our business that provide direct and in-direct benefits to the environment.

  • Turtle Protection

    Impact Project

    The beaches of Loang, West Lembata are a popular nesting area for sea turtles, which sadly makes them an easy target, traditionally hunted as a food source, both the turtle and their eggs are extremely vulnerable.

    Local organisation Sahabat Penyu Loang, works to educate the villages of Loang about the importance of sea turtles and the myths surrounding their consumption. Along with educating, their team of volunteers patrol the beaches every night protecting egg-laying turtles and their eggs from poachers. The volunteers then retrieve the eggs and re-bury them at their hatchery where they are protected until hatching.

    Upon hatching the baby turtles make their journey down to the sea through a special turtle doorway where they can access and enter the ocean unobstructed.

    The Company has utilised their turtle education to ensure our Loang site team understand the importance of this animal and it’s protection. We have donated materials to assist the organisation in building studier hatcheries and our security patrol teams identify egg laying turtles during their night patrols and protect the eggs until they can be collected to be re-located to the hatchery.

    To find out more about this organisation visit:

  • Single use plastics

    Impact Project

    Indonesia generates more than 7.8 million metric tons of plastic annually. This issue is driven largely by Indonesia’s extensive coastline together with insufficient waste management infrastructure, resources and education, with the primary contributing factor being single-use plastics.

    To address this issue the Company has invested in equipment for our Alyui farm site, including a shredder and extruder to convert High Density Polyethylene plastics (HDPE) into beautiful and unique building materials that have a wide scope of application. This process uses heat to melt the plastic waste into a liquid which is then poured into moulds which under pressure form building materials such as planks and bricks. This process not only recycles plastic waste but has the potential to reduce the need to purchase and transport to site building materials for futute projects.

    The Company has also invested in a trial pyrolysis machine at our Alyui Bay site. This machine processes used soft and hard plastics, converting it into fuel along with a carbon residue. The fuel produced is used to power our vessels whilst the carbon residue is mixed with compost to create a planting media. 

  • Mangrove Planting

    Impact Project

    Mangrove habitat restoration projects focus on re-building areas of mangroves on or around our farm sites. Re-building these areas through planting and on-going maintenance helps to reduce erosion and return the habitat to its natural state. 

    These mangroves now stand as crucial habitats for a diverse range of marine life, playing a key role in restoring the ecosystem.  ultimately contribute to sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.

    Our mangrove habitat restoration has occurred on two sites and we are currently considering more restoration opportunities. 

    Beyond these ecological benefits, the local community welcomes the positive changes, embracing the improved surroundings and recognising the value in a healthier environment.