South Sea pearls direct from our farms.

Our approach to sustainability through Governance

  • Our sustainable governance vision:

    Business operations &
    processes that are ethical, lawful, transparent & fair.

  • Our policies, procedures, and approach to governance are underpinned by our Corporate Governance Plan and our annual Corporate Governance Statements. Our Corporate Governance Statement explains our approach to assessing environmental and social risks and ensuring they are appropriately managed by the Board.

Our governance sustainability goals.

Abiding by and respecting the local laws, regulations and processes. 

Identifying, managing  and minimising business risks to protect the people, environment and business.

Maximising the success of what we do through stakeholder engagement.

Delivering on our goals

Employment Practices

Fair Work
Policies, documentation, and expectations aimed at providing the highest standards of employment

Business Practices

Anti-bribery & Corruption
Policies, documentation, and standards aimed at eliminating bribery and corruption.

Corporate Governance
Relationships between stakeholders, frameworks, decision making and responsibility.

Legal and regulatory requirements
Business practises that ensure the company meets all legal, regulatory, and local government requirements.

Economic Impact

Contribution to local economy
Directing economic benefits toward local communities by supporting local businesses.

Providing significant employment and training in remote areas.

  • APA Agreement

    Atlas Pearls implemented the world’s first Bilateral Advanced Pricing Arrangement (APA) between Indonesia & Australia, ensuring the fair and transparent tax treatment of international transactions.

  • Gender Pay Ratio

    The increased number of women in higher paying senior management & specialist roles, brings the salary ratio between women and men to 0.975 across our Indonesian operations.

  • Anti-Corruption

    Atlas Pearls is committed to conducting its business ethically and with integrity. In this regard, we have published formal policies on our corporate website, namely a Whistle Blower Policy and an Anti-bribery & Corruption Policy which provide transparency to the Company’s compliance framework.